Sjogren's syndrome Info Newsletter 23 Feb, 2022

 Hi and welcome to this week's newsletter.

Sjogren's syndrome Info Newsletter 23 Feb, 2022

Many people did not receive last week's newsletter so it can be viewed on the blog here. 

It includes info about Tips for reducing joint pain, Health Benefits of Omega-9 Fatty Acids, Recipe: cashew nut butter, Latest Research, Giving Us Hope: New insights on sex differences, and Long Covid and The Sun and Sjogren's. I hope you have a chance to view it and maybe even leave a comment or a question there too. 

This week I have been having to spend quite a bit of time with email provider services trying to sort out the mix-up with the newsletter emails. Due to lack of time, I will be sending you some articles from previous newsletters and also a short update of what is happening with my health. Many of you will not have received the articles that I include today as they are from very early newsletters (but still relevant). 

This week I saw a specialist about the new marks on my face - they are red, round rough patches, and quite large. The specialist said that all the issues on my face, including these, were caused by the sun. So it is interesting that last week's newsletter included information about sun protection. I'm someone who does not spend a lot of time outdoors and when I do I usually wear a hat if it is sunny. I now have to get up and apply sunscreen every day. We always hear messages like this but often think they do not apply to us. 

Here is part of an article from The Sjögren's Society of Canada about Sun Sensitivity, Sun Safety & Sjögren’s

Some people with Sjögren’s are photosensitive.  Sun exposure and sensitivity may cause rashes and flare-ups of disease and ocular sensitivity. Sensitive to the sun or not, be sure to be proactive and protect yourself against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation rays – UVA and UVB.

  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 on all exposed skin.
  • Read the label!  Be sure you are buying a broad-spectrum sunscreen that provides UVA and UVB protection.
  • Apply sunscreen liberally to all exposed skin 15 to 30 minutes before going outside.
  • Re-apply, re-apply, and re-apply!!!  Re-apply sunscreen more often after sweating excessively or vigorous activity, even if the label says it is “waterproof or water-resistant”.
  • Some medications increase the effects of the sun on the body causing people to burn more easily.  You should try to avoid the sun while on these drugs. Check with your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

This week I have also found some very helpful, easy-to-understand, and practical videos by a rheumatologist. I was particularly interested in her simple exercises for ankle pain. I have had this kind of pain for years but did not realize that there were things I could be doing to strengthen my ankles and reduce the pain. I usually get an increase in this pain if I do more than my normal 30-minute walk and the pain then lasts for days. Now I am doing the exercises daily to see if they help. Doctor Andrea Furlan explains 8 exercises that are useful for people who have arthritis in the ankle. She also explains the L.A.W.S. of exercise that include Lubrication, Aerobics, Weight-bearing, and Stretch/Strengthening exercises.


Do you know that February is Raynaud's Awareness Month?

Raynaud’s phenomenon is a condition that affects your blood vessels usually with symptoms of coldness and numbing in the hands and feet.  Many people with Sjogren's syndrome have this condition.

Living with Raynaud's. 

  • wear gloves
  • wear lots of layers of clothing
  • some say wear cotton layer next to the skin, some say synthetic next layer could be wool or polar fleece.  Outer layers will ideally be wind-resistant and water-resistant if needed
  • wear turtlenecks and scarves to protect glands in the neck
  • Make sure your boots are loose enough to leave room for wool or thermal socks or tights
  • use moisture-retaining sunglasses from an ophthalmologist
  • use a humidifier in the home
  • use a non preserved eye gel
  • drink warm water
  • warming food as digestion builds internal heat.
  • microwaveable heat pads​​​​​​​
  • beware of heaters and air conditioners that dry you out
  • place a container of water near the heater as it will act the same as a humidifier allowing the moisture to go back into the air


Flaxseeds contain omega-3s and omega-6 fatty acids in the form of linoleic acid. (ALA). During digestion, ALA is converted into two different omega-3 fatty acids — called EPA and DHA — that are used to protect cell membranes.
Omega 3 can reduce inflammation, lessen pain in muscles and joints as proven in controlled trials with sufferers of arthritis, and prevent or treat dry eyes.
You get omega-3s by grinding whole flax seeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkling the ground seeds over a salad, adding them to a smoothie or mixing them in fruit juice, or in porridge or a pancake. If you choose this option, be sure to use the seeds soon after grinding them to get the full omega-3 benefits.

Popular eye vitamins that contain flaxseed oil include TheraTears Nutrition, Dry Eye Formula (EyeScience), and Tears Again Hydrate (Ocusoft). 
Positive Options for Sjögren's Syndrome: Self-Help and Treatment by Sue Dyson. Includes Managing Flare-ups, Managing Pain, Vitamins and Minerals, Exercise, How to Help Yourself and Managing Emotions are just some of the topics. 

Upcoming Walks for Sjogren's in the USA

The Walk for Sjögren's is a national awareness and fundraising program that takes place in cities across the United States. The family-friendly event focuses on providing awareness and education of Sjögren’s within the local community while helping to raise crucial funds to support research and education. Find out more at The Sjögren's Foundation. 

The Sjögren’s Society of Canada hold their first Members Only Virtual Town Hall for 2022 on Thursday, February 24th @ 7:30pm EST.

Dr. Arthur Bookman, Rheumatologist, will give a brief presentation about the latest on COVID-19 & Sjögren’s and then answer questions.  Register here.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I'm an affiliate for some products and as such receive a small percentage of the profits, at no extra cost to the purchaser. This is how I help fund the work I do for this newsletter. Thank you for any purchases you make. 
Please follow my Facebook page called Sjogren's blog where you can also join in the conversation and ask questions and help others by sharing your experiences. 
Please keep in mind I am not a medical professional, but a person with SS with a background in research, and the information in this newsletter does not replace the advice of a doctor.
Sincerely searching for better health,
Lee Good
