Mind-body approaches in the pain management of Sjogren's syndrome

At Sjogren's blog, we will explore some of the mind-body approaches in pain management and today it will be guided imagery. 

Mind-body approaches in the pain management of Sjogren's syndrome -  guided meditation

What exactly do we mean by Mind-body approaches?

Any intervention that changes a person’s mental or emotional state, such as meditation, listening to music, or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), will produce corresponding changes in the body and could therefore be called a ‘mind-body’ intervention.

Specific mind-body interventions: Guided imagery

Guided imagery, in the treatment of chronic pain, aims to increase relaxation, to ease anxiety, and to facilitate mind-body healing.  It can take the attention from the pain through the use of peaceful, soothing or symbolically therapeutic mental images. 

Guided imagery uses spoken word and/or active imagination to produce a relaxation state. I find it very useful when I have had an MRI procedure as I am claustrophobic. I imagine a tropical island with as much detail as possible and feel that I am transported there instead of a noisy and confined MRI machine. Imagining this peaceful place makes my mind, body and nervous system react as if I am actually there.  

In a review of nine randomised clinical trials, eight were found to suggest that guided imagery leads to a significant reduction in musculoskeletal pain. Although these results are promising, many of the studies were small or were low to medium grade in terms of methodological rigour. From The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

You can do guided imagery with audio recordings or an instructor. 

Here are some audio recordings for you to try:

I would love to find out about your experiences with guided imagery, so please leave a comment. Thank you and I hope you find guided imagery something useful in managing the pain you may experience when living with Sjogren's syndrome.
Mind-body approaches in the pain management of Sjogren's syndrome
